Perennial Wealth: 6 practical steps for setting ambitious financial goals

Here are five ways to help ensure you don’t run out of money in retirement.

Assess your current situation
• Review your savings and investments.
• Analyse your income and expenses. Evaluate your non-essential spending to see where you can save.

Visualise your future
• Envision your ideal lifestyle and reflect on your principles. Let them shape your financial goals.
• By aligning your financial planning with your values, your goals can support your desired future and reflect your priorities.

Create SMART goals
SMART goals are:
• Specific • Measurable • Achievable Relevant • Time-bound
Divide your goals into:
• Short-term • Medium-term • Long-term
A financial planner can help you assess suitable savings and investing options.

Break your goals down into targets and measure your progress
Breaking your goals into smaller targets allows you to:
• Track your progress
• Stay motivated
• Make adjustments where necessary.
You can periodically measure your progress.

Revise your goals as circumstances dictate
• Regularly revising your goals allows you to stay aligned with your evolving circumstances and ensures you remain on track to achieve your aspirations.

Speak to a financial planner
• A financial planner can work with you to create a plan encompassing your life goals, finances, and principles.

To find out more, get in touch.
0117 959 6499
Trym Lodge, 1 Henbury Road, Bristol, UK, BS9 3HQ