Collegiate Prep School

Collegiate Prep School, Park Road,
Stapleton, Bristol BS16 1BA
Tel: 0117 965 5297

Sector: Independent co-educational

Fees: Per term
Reception, Years 1 & 2 – £3,250
Years 3 to 6 – £3,925

Religious Denomination: All faiths

Total Number of students: 240

Extra-curricular activities:

To find balance in their learning all children are encouraged to explore their strengths in music, drama, languages, sport and art. School sport fixtures, trips, residential visits and clubs all enhance school life and each child’s enjoyment of their community. In the onsite woodland, the Forest School sees children learn new skills, both within and beyond the national curriculum. They enjoy the time and space to develop their natural curiosity through hands-on practical experiences.

Pastoral: Pastoral care is at the core of life at Collegiate Prep. Pupils have a form tutor and are part of a deeply supportive traditional house system that celebrates all elements of school life, from sports day to inter-house competitions and regular house gatherings. Older pupils form bonds with Pre-School and Reception classes in the weekly reading buddies sessions, which mutually support the reading skills of younger pupils and give Year 6 children a taste of responsibility and relationship building.

Unique characteristics: In 2019 the ISI rated Collegiate School as ‘excellent’ in all areas. The inspection team were clear that the excellent academic achievement was observed right from the youngest pupils in EYFS right through to the students taking A Levels in the Senior School. Pupils receive many opportunities on a daily basis to nurture intellectual curiosity and inspire a love of learning, which lay the foundations for a successful transition into the senior school. Staff work extremely hard to help each pupil understand the world around them and develop strong values and respect for those around them.