Pupils at Redmaids’ High Junior School showed their creative side as they enjoyed a Hobbit-themed day to celebrate World Book Day, dressed up as hobbits, wizards, dragons and elves, inspired by the best-selling book by J R R Tolkien.
The day started with a second breakfast, like all good hobbits, where the premise of the day was introduced in assembly by Miss Browning, Junior School English Co-ordinator.
The girls were treated to a theatrical performance of The Hobbit, by M&M Theatrical Productions, who brought the story to life through an energetic, modernised interpretation, courtesy of the Friends’ of the School. They explored how the hobbit went on a personal journey of discovery, finding out that he was more courageous and cunning than he thought.
In the afternoon, the girls had fun becoming authors of their own adventures, writing their own stories inspired by the invisible ring. For those who have chosen to now read the book, there will be a follow-up book club session in the coming weeks, accompanied by squash and biscuits of course!
Along with the day’s activities, there was a competition to build a model hobbit house so we can’t wait to see some of the entries later this term.
We will be continuing the fantasy theme with a large-scale collaborative piece of art for the school hall – Smaug the dragon. Every girl will create a scale for the dragon with Year 6 creating the head, tail and wings so we look forward to seeing this come together.
As part of a traditional, wider community initiative and in recognition that not all children are lucky enough to own their own books, girls have been asked to donate a book from their shelves for a link school’s library. Our two Year 6 almoners will be contacting the school themselves to arrange for them to be delivered.
The Junior School girls are lucky enough to be supported and inspired in their reading and writing by our very own Sixth Formers. Reluctant readers as well as talented writers buddy up with very successful results!

Redmaids’ High Junior School World Book Day
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