Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1PF
Tel: 01275 852008
Name of Head: Debbie Isaachsen, BEd Hons MEd
Number of pupils: 257
Age of pupils: 4 – 13
Day fees (per term): £4,400 – £6,685
Religious denomination: Anglican but all faiths welcome.
The curriculum: The Downs is one of the few truly independent 13+ Prep Schools in the South West. Our academic curriculum offers breadth and the opportunity for students to achieve their best in all areas. STEM and Performing Arts are recent and popular additions to the timetable. Pupils learn French from Reception and Spanish is added in Year 5. The Friday afternoon enrichment programme offers an impressive range of sessions including cookery, gardening, debating, inspirational speakers and forest fun.
In the Pre-Prep, numeracy and literacy are the central focus, with outdoor learning and an exciting, enriching curriculum on offer to challenge and engage all pupils.
As pupils enter Years 7 and 8, bespoke support is provided for Senior School entry. As an Independent Preparatory School, we take our role in preparing our pupils for Senior School very seriously. Our recent Year 8 cohort achieved places in 12 different Top rated Senior Schools, with 50% awarded scholarships and all pupils achieved entry at their 1st choice of school.
Extra-curricular activities: The school provides a broad all-round education, genuinely inclusive of each child, encouraging everyone to try new experiences and discover what they enjoy. The standard of all sports is exceptional, there is also a team for every child. There is enormous interest in the performing and creative arts: there are choirs for all year groups and many more, a vast array of musical instruments are played, speech and drama lessons are provided, many school productions are performed each year, and the dance provision is astounding – with a wide range of dance styles taught. There is also an extensive range of clubs, all Prep school children camp every year and regular trips are taken abroad.
Pastoral care: We pride ourselves on really knowing and understanding each child – wellbeing is central to happy children. Matrons, tutors, form teachers, a wellbeing coordinator, and pupils themselves play an integral role in our approach to providing outstanding pastoral care, supporting each child as they negotiate the inevitable social, emotional and academic challenges associated with today’s world.
Outstanding characteristics: Our pupils are outstanding; they are highly motivated and experience considerable all-round success. They demonstrate humility and impeccable manners; confidence in contrast to arrogance and many of the soft skills required for life. The spectacular rural grounds are unique in the area, meaning all activities can happen on site and spending time in the great outdoors whenever possible. The entire community that is The Downs Preparatory School is extraordinarily supportive and welcoming. We place great importance on our traditional family values and ethos, and we have 3 core values that underpin everything we do here at The Downs – Explore, Express, Excel. We provide an environment that gives children the freedom to Explore, the confidence to Express and the ambition to Excel.