Turning back the clock with Eva Clinic Bath

By Eva Clinic Bath

How considered aesthetic treatments really can reverse the signs of ageing… Stage 1.

With kind permission from my lovely client – the totally un-retouched ( and rather harshly lit) images show exactly how your skin can be improved over a period of six months.

We focussed on a treatment plan of totally natural, collagen stimulating and non-invasive treatments to reverse the signs of ageing.

Definitely no botox or fillers, just careful skin re-surfacing and mesothrapy combined with a really good aftercare regime. Anti-wrinkly and face lifting treatments are next.


How long do the benefits last? At least 12 months, and then they will be extended and further improved with a modest top-up treatment in 9 months/

What about downtime? Very little, re-surfacing can be tender for 3-5 days.

Are the treatments painful? No, they are non-invasive and painless.

Is there a set treatment plan? No, I focus on bespoke treatment plans that are exactly tailored to my clients’ individual needs – so I might recommend a combination of HIFU, Mesotherapy and Fotona aesthetic laser.

Will I look natural? Yes, my treatments are designed to boost your natural collagen and your appearance will be gently and discreetly enhanced.

What does it cost? Surprisingly modest and far less than the surgical alternatives…

When can I start? Ideally sooner rather than later, as certain facial treatments are not compatible in the summer months.

Call or text Eva on 07507 420244 for a free initial consultation.
