Bluebird Care celebrate immediate availability

“It’s a brave new world… I’m still adjusting to operating without a waiting list,” muses Tim Rowland Jones, Director of Bluebird Care Bristol. As the owner of a CQC Outstanding home and live-in care company, he is accustomed to running at full capacity. “Bristolians are discerning – they won’t accept just any care company – so we’ve always held an orderly waiting list for our services. Two out of three new customers find us via word of mouth, recommended by a friend, neighbour, GP, or hospital discharge team.”

For the first time in a decade, the Bristol Bluebirds have immediate availability to start care thanks to herculean recruitment and training efforts.

“From companionship, domestic assistance, and home-cooked meals to specialist rehabilitation, dementia, Parkinson’s, and palliative care, we can help you remain in the comfort of your own home for as long as you so desire.”